Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Wind and Waves

Boy, these past few days have been wiiiiiiindyyyyyyy!

But we did not get half a foot of snow like the forecast predicted. It's still fall!

When the wind is up, the waves are up -- when it blows from the north... which it did!

We had to go check it out. 

Where's a good wave watching spot? Hunter's Point!

We bundled up, found an elevated spot to perch on and stared in awe.

It was super sweet moment. I sat on a rock platform and B sat on my lap. We kept each other warm as the waves pummeled up -- sometimes even past us!

We shouted and squealed when we saw something really massive. I couldn't believe how high the waves were splashing out in the lake, even! 

It was quite a sight, and we were happy to be a part of it.

Here are some pics from our venue.

And of course, Mr. Explorer had to venture out to see if he could get a little closer. Luckily, he stayed dry!

Remember to breathe. And stay warm!

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