Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Gratitude Forevermore

Happy Wednesday!

Things are looking up!  Hooray!

Gratitude is a huge part of having a wonderful life. Then you can have a good life pretty much wherever you are. Because you are grateful for what you already have.

That's a blessing right there, my friend.

An attitude of positivity combined with fortitude is also quite helpful. Sit in the driver seat of your life. Make your own decisions and goals. You have the accelerator, the steering wheel and even the brake.

You can change your mind.

When you listen to your body, heart and soul, this happens a lot.

It's okay to change your mind.

Only you know the truth in yourself. 

Seek it.

Pay attention.

The universe is talking to you everyday!

Okay, there's my little motivational speech for you. Thanks for reading!

Now how about something about Brady P?

I love that he is growing into such an amazing young man. I love that he is becoming such a good helper. He is definitely his spirited individual self, but I supposed that's better than the alternative.

He just keeps me and all his support team on our toes.

He says hello!

And life is good.

If you are grateful, then life is great!

The inner magic of a zinnia flower

I've been meaning to tell you that the platform I use to write to you no longer sends an email when I post, so you might have to click here every couple weeks to look for something new.

Cheers to a wonderful day!


  1. I love your use of the macro camera again Amanda… nice job!

  2. Thanks! I love it too!
