Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Brady P. Project Update

I've got some exciting news!

The Brady P. Project is proud to announce that we're helping to sponsor our first event!  Here's the flyer.

Pretty cool, hey?

The mission of the Brady P. Project is to spread unconditional love, advocate fairness for all human beings and help people learn about and respect Mother Nature.

Pretty much like saving the world, right?

We're doing it!  With this first event, families that have a child in school that might need help, but don't know where to turn or who to talk to, can now get out for a social afternoon of food, bowling, friendly conversation and resources to help make sure all their kids are on track.

One step at a time.

The Brady P. Project took shape when I (Braeden's mom) realized that my little boy with an extra chromosome is made of pure love.  He is in the moment.  He is all inclusive when it comes to people.  He is curious about nature and loves to be outside.  And he always wants people to be happy.

Well, gosh darn (as my Grandma Gertie used to say), we should all be like that!

So through this non-profit organization, I am trying to give people the opportunity to have resources available to make these things happen.  With our funds, we are able to donate to events and other organizations that follow this mission.

Do you want to be a part of the mission?  You can donate too! 

Here is the link to the WEBSITE.

No pressure.  I'm not that kind of girl.

But here is the cool magnet you get for donating!  We can even throw in a sticker if you donate in the next week because then I'll know you donated through this post.

I just had to put a shout out to the Project because I believe in it.  I believe in helping others.  I believe in kindness.  I also believe that anything is possible.


I also believe that if you follow your heart and do the right thing each chance you get, you will have a wonderful day.


1 comment:

  1. Pretty cool for sure! Good luck and please let us know how it all goes down.
