Hey there!
Want to come on a journey with us?
It's only three blocks long, but sometimes it takes 20 minutes to complete.
Twenty minutes? How can it take that long?
Because Brady P is with us.
He is not a slow walker. He can and likes to run.
But he is sooooo curious and in the moment.
Imagine walking east from the one room schoolhouse in the winter time. Not on the trail which is quiet and scenic, but on the road.
We come out of the school driveway and turn right. For approximately half our journey, we walk past the parking lot of the Mariner North.
In the winter, this parking lot is often full of snowmobiles. If they are parked, he likes to count them. (We have counted over 30 before!) If they just started up, he needs to wait until they take off. All of them in the group.
When they are cruising down the road from the gas station (another three blocks further west), he needs to stop and watch them all file past.
From way down the road. Ugh!
Sometimes they pull in to the Mariner. Sometimes they go past and turn off on the trail.
Sometimes he waves. They often wave back.
We have to wait until they all either go past or park. If I start to walk before he sees their destination, I hear, "Mummy, wait! There's one more!"
Sometimes he spends more time standing and waiting than actually moving toward home.
Which is my goal.
I have to take deep breaths to keep my patience.
But the fun doesn't end there.
Brady is also a celebrity in this town, so most times, when any of his friends drive by, they stop and chat or slow down and wave. He will chat and then run off waving good-bye. Or he'll wave then stick out his tush and give it a slap.
Can you see how this would take some time? I have learned to never schedule anything near after school time, or I'll fret the whole walk home that we'll be late.
I don't like to fret.
And he is not one to hurry up.
I have also accepted the fact that he absolutely loves to do all those things I just mentioned. While getting home might be my goal, his mission is to watch each person go by no matter what mode they are using.
I can honestly say that it took me a few school winters to accept this, and I finally have the patience to let him enjoy himself. That's what he is here to do.
And as he does that, other people benefit too.